Source code for wanikani_api.models

import functools
import operator
import pprint

import dateutil.parser

from wanikani_api import constants
from wanikani_api.exceptions import UnknownResourceException

class Resource:
    def __init__(self, json_data, *args, **kwargs):
        self.resource = json_data["object"]
        self._raw = json_data
        self.url = json_data["url"]
        self.data_updated_at = parse8601(json_data["data_updated_at"])
        # Some Resources do not have IDs. = (
            if self.resource in constants.RESOURCES_WITHOUT_IDS
            else json_data["id"]
        self._resource = json_data["data"]

    def raw_json(self):
        return pprint.pformat(self._raw)

class Iterator:
    def __init__(self, current_page, api_request, max_results=None, fetch_all=False):
        self.current_page = current_page
        self.api_request = api_request
        self.max_results = max_results
        self.yielded_count = 0
        self.pages = [current_page]
        if current_page:
            self.per_page = current_page.per_page
        if fetch_all:

    def _keep_iterating(self):
        return (
            self.current_page is not None
            and self.max_results
            and self.yielded_count >= self.max_results

    def fetch_next_page(self):
        if self.current_page.next_page_url is not None:
            self.current_page = self.pages[-1]

    def fetch_all_pages(self):
        while self.current_page.next_page_url is not None:

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter([item for page in self.pages for item in page])

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        if isinstance(item, int):
            return self.pages[item // self.per_page][item % self.per_page]
        if isinstance(item, slice):
            return [self[i] for i in range(*item.indices(len(self)))]

    def __len__(self):
        return functools.reduce(operator.add, [len(page) for page in self.pages])

class Page(Resource):
    resource = "collection"

    def __init__(self, json_data, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(json_data, *args, **kwargs)
        self.client = kwargs.get("client")
        self.next_page_url = json_data["pages"]["next_url"]
        self.previous_page_url = json_data["pages"]["previous_url"]
        self.total_count = json_data["total_count"]
        self.per_page = json_data["pages"]["per_page"] = [factory(datum, client=self.client) for datum in json_data["data"]]

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        if isinstance(item, int):
        elif isinstance(item, slice):
            return [[i] for i in range(*item.indices(len(self)))]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(

[docs]class Subjectable: """ A Mixin allowing a model to quickly fetch related subjects. Any resource which inherits Subjectable must have either `subject_id` or `subject_ids` as an attribute. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if "client" not in kwargs: raise ValueError("Subjectable models expect an instance of Client!") self.client = kwargs.get("client") self._subjects = None self._subject = None @property def subject(self): if self._subject: return self._subject elif hasattr(self, "subject_id"): self._subject = self.client.subject(self.subject_id) return self._subject else: raise AttributeError("no attribute named subject!") @property def subjects(self): if self._subjects: return self._subjects elif hasattr(self, "subject_ids"): self._subjects = self.client.subjects(ids=self.subject_ids) return self._subjects else: raise AttributeError("no attribute named subjects!")
class Preferences(): def __init__(self, preferences_json): self.default_voice_actor_id = preferences_json.get("default_voice_actor_id") self.lessons_batch_size= preferences_json["lessons_batch_size"] self.lessons_autoplay_audio = preferences_json["lessons_autoplay_audio"] self.reviews_autoplay_audio = preferences_json["reviews_autoplay_audio"] self.lessons_presentation_order = preferences_json["lessons_presentation_order"] self.reviews_display_srs_indicator = preferences_json["reviews_display_srs_indicator"]
[docs]class UserInformation(Resource): """ This is a simple container for information returned from the ``/user/`` endpoint. This is all information related to the user. """ resource = "user" def __init__(self, json_data, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(json_data, *args, **kwargs) self.username = self._resource["username"] #: username self.level = self._resource["level"] #: current wanikani level self.subscription = Subscription(self._resource['subscription']) #: maximum level granted by subscription. self.profile_url = self._resource["profile_url"] #: Link to user's profile. self.started_at = parse8601( self._resource["started_at"] ) #: datetime at which the user signed up. self.current_vacation_started_at = parse8601( self._resource["current_vacation_started_at"] ) #: datetime at which vacation was enabled on wanikani. self.preferences = Preferences(self._resource["preferences"]) def __str__(self): return "UserInformation{{ username:{}, level:{}, profile_url:{} started_at:{}, current_vacation_started_at:{} }}".format( self.username, self.level, self.profile_url, self.started_at, self.current_vacation_started_at, )
[docs]class Subject(Resource): """ This is the base Subject for Wanikani. This contains information common to Kanji, Vocabulary, and Radicals. """ def __init__(self, json_data, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(json_data, *args, **kwargs) resource_data = json_data["data"] self.level = resource_data["level"] #: The level of the subject. self.created_at = parse8601( resource_data["created_at"] ) #: The date at which the Subject was created originally on Wanikani. self.characters = resource_data[ "characters" ] #: The actual japanese kanji/radical symbol such as 女 self.meanings = [ Meaning(meaning_json) for meaning_json in resource_data["meanings"] ] #: A list of :class:`.models.Meaning` for this subject. self.document_url = resource_data[ "document_url" ] #: The direct URL where the subject can be found on Wanikani self.hidden_at = resource_data[ "hidden_at" ] #: When Wanikani removes a subject, they seem to instead set it to hidden, for backwards compatibilty with clients. self.auxiliary_meanings = [ AuxiliaryMeaning(auxiliary_meaning_json) for auxiliary_meaning_json in resource_data["auxiliary_meanings"] ] def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{['['+meaning.meaning+']' if meaning.primary else meaning.meaning for meaning in self.meanings]}:{[character for character in self.characters] if self.characters else 'UNAVAILABLE'}"
[docs]class Radical(Subject): """ A model for the Radical object. """ resource = "radical" def __init__(self, json_data, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(json_data, *args, **kwargs) self.character_images = ( self._resource["character_images"] if "character_images" in self._resource.keys() else None ) #: A list of dictionaries, each containing a bunch of information related to a single character image. self.amalgamation_subject_ids = self._resource[ "amalgamation_subject_ids" ] #: IDs for various other :class:`.models.Subject` for which this radical is a component. def __str__(self) -> str: return f"Radical: {[meaning.meaning for meaning in self.meanings]}:{[character for character in self.characters] if self.characters else 'UNAVAILABLE'}"
[docs]class Vocabulary(Subject): """ A model for the Vocabulary Resource """ resource = "vocabulary" def __init__(self, json_data, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(json_data, *args, **kwargs) self.parts_of_speech = self._resource[ "parts_of_speech" ] #: A list of strings, each of which is a part of speech. self.component_subject_ids = self._resource[ "component_subject_ids" ] #: List of IDs for :class"`.models.Kanji` which make up this vocabulary. self.readings = [ Reading(reading_json) for reading_json in self._resource["readings"] ] #: A list of :class:`.models.Reading` related to this Vocabulary. def __str__(self): return f"Vocabulary: {super(Vocabulary, self).__str__()}"
[docs]class Kanji(Subject): """ A model for the Kanji Resource """ resource = "kanji" def __init__(self, json_data, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(json_data, *args, **kwargs) self.amalgamation_subject_ids = self._resource[ "amalgamation_subject_ids" ] #: A list of IDs for the related :class:`.models.Vocabulary` which this Kanji is a component in. self.component_subject_ids = self._resource[ "component_subject_ids" ] #: A list of IDs for the related :class:`.models.Radical` which combine to make this kanji self.readings = [ Reading(reading_json) for reading_json in self._resource["readings"] ] #: A list of :class:`.models.Reading` related to this Vocabulary. def __str__(self): return f"Kanji: {super(Kanji, self).__str__()}"
[docs]class AuxiliaryMeaning: """ Simple data class for handling auxiliary meanings """ def __init__(self, auxiliary_meaning_json): self.meaning = auxiliary_meaning_json["meaning"] self.type = auxiliary_meaning_json["type"] def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.meaning}({type})"
class Subscription: def __init__(self, subscription_json): = subscription_json["active"] self.type = subscription_json["type"] self.max_level_granted = subscription_json["max_level_granted"] self.period_ends_at = parse8601(subscription_json["period_ends_at"]) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{'active' if else 'inactive'}:{self.type}:{self.max_level_granted}:{self.period_ends_at}"
[docs]class Meaning: """ Simple class holding information about a given meaning of a vocabulary/Kanji """ def __init__(self, meaning_json): self.meaning = meaning_json["meaning"] #: The english meaning of a Subject. self.primary = meaning_json[ "primary" ] #: Wether or not the meaning is considered to be the main one. self.accepted_answer = meaning_json[ "accepted_answer" ] #: Whether or not this answer is accepted during reviews in Wanikani. def __str__(self) -> str: return self.meaning
[docs]class Reading: """ Simple class holding information about a given reading of a vocabulary/kanji """ def __init__(self, meaning_json): #: the actual かな for the reading. self.reading = meaning_json["reading"] self.primary = meaning_json["primary"] #: Whether this is the primary reading. self.accepted_answer = meaning_json[ "accepted_answer" ] #: Whether this answer is accepted as correct by Wanikani during review.
[docs]class Assignment(Resource, Subjectable): """ Simple class holding information about Assignmetns. """ resource = "assignment" def __init__(self, json_data, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(json_data, *args, **kwargs) Subjectable.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.created_at = parse8601(self._resource["created_at"]) self.subject_id = self._resource["subject_id"] self.subject_type = self._resource["subject_type"] self.srs_stage = self._resource["srs_stage"] self.unlocked_at = parse8601(self._resource["unlocked_at"]) self.started_at = parse8601(self._resource["started_at"]) self.passed_at = parse8601(self._resource["passed_at"]) self.burned_at = parse8601(self._resource["burned_at"]) self.available_at = parse8601(self._resource["available_at"]) self.resurrected_at_at = parse8601(self._resource["resurrected_at"]) self.hidden = self._resource["hidden"]
[docs]class Reset(Resource): """ Simple model holding resource information """ resource = "reset" def __init__(self, json_data, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(json_data, *args, **kwargs) self.created_at = parse8601(self._resource["created_at"]) self.original_level = self._resource["original_level"] self.target_level = self._resource["target_level"] self.confirmed_at = parse8601(self._resource["confirmed_at"])
[docs]class ReviewStatistic(Resource): """ Simple model holding ReviewStatistic Information """ resource = "review_statistic" def __init__(self, json_data, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(json_data, *args, **kwargs) self.created_at = parse8601(self._resource["created_at"]) self.subject_id = self._resource["subject_id"] self.subject_type = self._resource["subject_type"] self.meaning_correct = self._resource["meaning_correct"] self.meaning_incorrect = self._resource["meaning_incorrect"] self.meaning_max_streak = self._resource["meaning_max_streak"] self.meaning_current_streak = self._resource["meaning_current_streak"] self.reading_correct = self._resource["reading_correct"] self.reading_incorrect = self._resource["reading_incorrect"] self.reading_max_streak = self._resource["reading_max_streak"] self.reading_current_streak = self._resource["reading_current_streak"] self.percentage_correct = self._resource["percentage_correct"] self.hidden = self._resource["hidden"]
[docs]class StudyMaterial(Resource, Subjectable): """ Simple model holding information about Study Materials """ resource = "study_material" def __init__(self, json_data, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(json_data, *args, **kwargs) Subjectable.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.created_at = parse8601(self._resource["created_at"]) self.subject_id = self._resource["subject_id"] self.subject_type = self._resource["subject_type"] self.meaning_note = self._resource["meaning_note"] self.reading_note = self._resource["reading_note"] self.meaning_synonyms = self._resource["meaning_synonyms"] self.hidden = self._resource["hidden"]
class Lessons(object): def __init__(self, json_data, *args, **kwargs): self.subject_ids = json_data["subject_ids"] self.available_at = parse8601(json_data["available_at"])
[docs]class UpcomingReview(Subjectable): def __init__(self, json_data, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(json_data, *args, **kwargs) Subjectable.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.subject_ids = json_data["subject_ids"] self.available_at = parse8601(json_data["available_at"])
class Summary(Resource): resource = "report" def __init__(self, json_data, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(json_data, *args, **kwargs) self.client = kwargs.get("client") # Note that there is only ever one lesson object, as per this forum thread self.lessons = Lessons(self._resource["lessons"][0]) self.next_reviews_at = self._resource["next_reviews_at"] = [ UpcomingReview(review_json, client=self.client) for review_json in self._resource["reviews"] ]
[docs]class Review(Resource, Subjectable): resource = "review" def __init__(self, json_data, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(json_data, *args, **kwargs) Subjectable.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.created_at = parse8601(self._resource["created_at"]) self.assignment_id = self._resource["assignment_id"] self.subject_id = self._resource["subject_id"] self.starting_srs_stage = self._resource["starting_srs_stage"] self.ending_srs_stage = self._resource["ending_srs_stage"] self.incorrect_meaning_answers = self._resource["incorrect_meaning_answers"] self.incorrect_reading_answers = self._resource["incorrect_reading_answers"]
class LevelProgression(Resource): resource = "level_progression" def __init__(self, json_data, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(json_data, *args, **kwargs) self.created_at = parse8601(self._resource["created_at"]) self.level = self._resource["level"] self.unlocked_at = parse8601(self._resource["unlocked_at"]) self.started_at = parse8601(self._resource["started_at"]) self.passed_at = parse8601(self._resource["passed_at"]) self.completed_at = parse8601(self._resource["completed_at"]) def parse8601(time_field): if time_field: return dateutil.parser.parse(time_field) else: return None resources = { UserInformation.resource: UserInformation, Assignment.resource: Assignment, Review.resource: Review, ReviewStatistic.resource: ReviewStatistic, LevelProgression.resource: LevelProgression, StudyMaterial.resource: StudyMaterial, Reset.resource: Reset, Kanji.resource: Kanji, Vocabulary.resource: Vocabulary, Radical.resource: Radical, Summary.resource: Summary, Page.resource: Page, } def factory(resource_json, *args, **kwargs): try: return resources[resource_json["object"]](resource_json, *args, **kwargs) except KeyError: raise UnknownResourceException( "We have no clue how to handle resource of type: {}".format( resource_json["object"] ) )